Sunday, February 14, 2010

Rouse runs for Congress

Johnny Rouse, former Chair of the Pitt County Democratic Party, filed to run for Congress in the 3rd Congressional District on Friday, February 12th. Rouse was born in Kinston, NC and raised in Greene County. He is an Air Force veteran, with a Bachelor’s in Political Science and a Master’s degree in International Studies, both from East Carolina University. He is a small business owner and works at the Brody School of Medicine. When asked why he plans to run, Rouse says, “It is not about party, it’s about people. The US Congress has settled into the ideological camps where party allegiance is more important than the people of their districts, and Washington insiders run it all. A Congressman should be responsive to the district. Too many of the decisions from Education to Agriculture come from Washington in the form of dictates. Our seed is being sown among thorns, and our yield is being choked by Washington bureaucrats who think they know what is best for us.” Rouse is determined to be an advocate for rural America and Coastal North Carolina.

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